Fire is the visual result of combustion. When something burns part of the energy released is converted into light. This light is what we see as fire. When looking at a fire and seeing the energy spew out from the combustion source. Idyllically fire would burn bluish-white at the source which is the hottest part of the flame. However this blue light is usually lost in the tongues of orange flame shooting up from the fire. Created by hot carbon soot trailing off the fire, these flames cool as they burn, making the whitish-yellow to dark orange range of light we're accustomed to seeing in a fire. This stratum of light has levels of heat and color, going from brightest at the base to darkest at the top of the flames.
Acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm
"Revival": Bringing again into activity and prominence
This painting is a part of the Phoenix series. Inspirations arrive during the changing patterns in fire, allowing the imaginations thrive and the poem Clifton Kayano.
"O' Mythical Phoenix "
O' Mythical Phoenix Soaring high through the night, obscuring the moon and the stars with your aura. Becoming the second sun of the sky, you show the world: you are The Phoenix.
Goal in mind, desires in heart, you blaze your trail- Carving paths only as you see fit. Obstacles are meaningless; what can destroy The Phoenix? What can block The Phoenix? Nothing
Behind deep gleaming amber eyes, Countless experiences of pain and joy are hidden. Your fiery exterior banishes the chill winds, warming the hearts of all that see you.
Rainbows are no match for your beauty; Swans, no match for your grace. Eternity seems short in comparison to your persistence, the sun, dim, in the presence of your radiance.
With the ever expanding horizon laid out before you, You fly on, to the ends of the Earth and back. Inspiring all who watch to achieve the impossible, lending willpower to those in need.
Above the clouds you continue to glide, with determination you swoop and dive, and only upon completion you land.
You are my symbol of Strength, of Hope, Of Freedom...
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